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Showing posts from 2019


                                                                              Respect       The most powerful gift that you can give to anyone you want to make happy or loved. And this is one of the most powerful weapon that you can give to yourself.... Most importantly people say "LOVE YOURSELF FIRST" but to love yourself first you Need to Respect your ownself.          You don't need anyone to complete you, God has already made you a whole complete package you just need somebody to accept you completely.           So starting over, Respect is something that everybody on this planet craves for, from a little one to all the way to old people, even animals for that matter. We all need to be respected in the uniqueness of ou...

The Forgetten Living

People say that everything is FAKE , in the end it's only you, but why?? I have seen people being happy just by looking at me, loving me even when I was hard to be loved, crying in my pain. They say you come alone and you go alone , no that's not the truth. All of us need someone to push and pull us out in this world to live we don't come out automatically that's the reason we are mammals. We don't come alone we come to a family that loves us, takes care of us, is there for us in all the wrongs and the rights so that we can rise and shine in the world so that we can grow and live this life as we want to. And we definitely don't go alone we go with Karma, Love, Feelings, Memories and all that we have experienced and enjoyed in this life. Of course we do not take with ourselves the material things, luxuries, money but we do take things that are more valuable then these things. But we only understand this when it's our time to go. It's when we rea...